
Syracuse Chiropractor, Chiropractic services in Syracuse, Syracuse Physical Therapy - Syracuse chiropractors, Dr James and Kimerly Walzer are the primary specialists at companion chiropractic. We provide chiropractic treatments including neck, back, sport injuries and we accept insurance.

Country:, North America, US

City: -71.2047 Massachusetts, United States

  • Cat Lover - ... with this TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers and am very pleased. Just a couple of little pumps and the ...

    I bought the spray top to go with this TOPPIK Hair Building Fibers and am very pleased. Just a couple of little pumps and the fibers cover my scalp really well. You can't even tell that I used it looks natural. When I apply it I also lightly brush it into my hair/scalp with my fingers, it's a life saver.

  • Larry Ruble - Leaks

    The stopper for this product leaks because the sink baffle loses it's shape after a few weeks of use. Company says they will NOT cover replacement under their 4-year warranty. Company wants $12 plus s&h or about $20 each time. Service man said it is a rip-off.

  • Ninja - It’s not a 100% cure but after a hard night of drinking I didn’t have a headache at all!

    I was very skeptical of this Hangover cure. Take 2 before and 2 during your boozing session is all it takes. It’s not a 100% cure but after a hard night of drinking I didn’t have a headache at all! Mind you my body did hurt a tad and my stomach was upset but I could go to work and function like a contributing part of society afterward. After reading what the pills do it’s pretty clever. Alcohol is poison so when you drink it your body makes an acid to combat you getting “poisoned”. So the more you drink the more acid your body makes and after a night of drinking your head hurts like a mother. Seriously try this, if I know I’m going to go hard with the guys for a night out, I will from now on take these to help the future me haha.

  • Libby - Did not work

    I was really excited to receive this product and it looked really cool. I have not seen a light that had a choice to have a rechargeable battery attached. Unfortunately this product did not work. The only time it turned on was only with a USB connected. We added batteries and it would not work at all. I really wish this would of been different. We do a lot of hunting and camping and this would of been great for our family****I was given a discount for this product for my honest review**********

  • R Thomas - Problems with Download

    Like others have said, I had problems with the download/installation. As part of the download, the program tried to initialize but appeared to hang-up. Even after 30 minutes, there was no warning message on the screen. After reading the other reviews, I remembered that I had this same problem last year. The solution was to uninstall the old version of Norton and then install the new version.