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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • S. Wilcox - Sweet!

    Given that once upon a time, I paid $80 for an iTrip that worked so-so, I wasn't expecting much from this item at a little over a quarter of the price. I was hoping that it would provide a clear signal. Period. Instead, I found a well designed piece of technology that not only provides the sought-after clear signal, but has a lot of other bells and whistles to boot. Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised at how well it integrates with my iPhone, but I have an older pre-bluetooth car so this is my first experience with what this kind of link has to offer. I was pretty tickled when it not only played my music loud and clear, but also provided hands-free phone calling. It even works with 'Hey, Siri' (if your phone is plugged into a charger, of course). The controls are easy to read and use, even when driving. No more fumbling around; I can do it by feel and keep my eyes on the road. I am very happy with this purchase. Nice job, VicTsing!

  • Marilyn - use all the time! handicapped people in house and ...

    use all the time! handicapped people in house and dishwashing cumbersome! price right and shipped and delivered quickly

  • cms67 - So happy to have found this product

    I've had crackly, creaky, painful knee joints for a few years now. My doctor prescribed diclofenac sodium, but after a year my liver function numbers were way higher than the norm. That scared me, so I started researching alternatives and learned about curcumin for joint health. Following Dr. Mercola's guidelines for choosing a good curcumin product, I found Schwartz Bioresearch brand. I can hardly believe the difference. Not only do my knees feel better, I am actually able to bend my knees all the way again! I could only bend them to about a 60 degree angle for the last couple of years! So happy to have found this product!

  • phatso17 - This planer is a little beast I've ran alot of ...

    This planer is a little beast I've ran alot of rough wood through it no sign of motor weakening or blade dulling yet.

  • Moon Donkey - Hairy back = gorilla!

    This is a so-so product. The ancestry product is really 50% the software tools and 50% the online access that membership provides. Without online access, you are just twiddling your thumbs.

  • F. Khan - This is the perfect shaver for a first time electric shaver user

    This is the perfect shaver for a first time electric shaver user. The plastic that the body is made of doesn't seem to be of the highest quality, but for the price you can't expect anything more. Overall the blades have stayed sharp over the past two months and they are pretty easy to clean. The cord is a little short but for every day maintenance shaving it does the job. Norelco makes great electric shavers and this is no exception.

  • Theresa M. Studer - Great Fragrance, Non Drying Purple Shampoo!

    It's Purple! Oh happy dance. This John Frieda Blonde Shampoo has a wonderfully light fragrance and it suds up with just using a bit. My daughter says it didn't dry out her hair like some others do and it made her hair brighter after just a couple of uses. She has two different colors of blonde in her hair and neither were brassy looking. Tina says it works just as well as the colour renewing shampoo she bought a few weeks ago for more $$. Now she needs to get the conditioner to go with it in order to see the full effects but so far she is pleased and that's what counts.