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  • edwin - Great book, wit great examples of the rules!

    The book is very helpful. It follows along with the rule book so you have an example of a rule you may be confused about. Use this while reading your rule book, it helps a lot

  • Claudia - Did not work

    I cannot really tell, if it is a good product or not because it did not work from the start. It had to be send back and there was no replacement available.

  • RPlayground - Great grinder

    I was skeptical of any meat grinder that isn’t made of a steel or cast iron; which is what I’ve seen and used in my family. But I was actually surprised to see that this was pretty nice and was sturdy.

  • Middlebunny - No change in behavior so far; but, I's willing to try a smaller size to see if that might yield better results

    I have a 51 pound, 7 year old, Am Cocker Spaniel, rescue who after years of being relatively "normal", with normal being defined as generally hyperactive with aggressive tendencies, started to display separation anxiety symptoms. In the last month, my precious fur baby has destroyed a brand new pair of sandals from Zappos, my hardback volume of all of Jane Austen's works, a box of tea bags (yes, that required an emergency Vet visit and call to poison control from the Animal hospital), and some peripherals for my Apple MacBook Pro. Obviously, this new "anxiety" disorder was costing me thousands in destroyed personal assets so I resorted to solutions from Amazon.

  • Alex Parshall - Great tasting and really soothing

    I'm not a big tea drinker in general, but recently came down with a respiratory infection and read some information online recommending this tea with Camphor oil drops in it.