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  • Amazon/shopper - Red dot of death

    After 2 weeks of use it began flashing the red dot of death. This was my replacement item which was ordered from Amazon the first went DOA during week 1. I don't believe the 3rd time will be the charm, will not order this item again.

  • Amazon Customer - Surprise! Good quality headphones

    I can't tell you how pleased I am with this purchase. I was expecting mediocre performance with these earphones because of the price. However, I am really pleased with the performance of these earphones. For this price, the buyer also receives a very nice case for the earphones, a car charger and another cable to charge the earphones. These earphones outperform many of the other headphones I have had. Highly recommended!

  • Yolanda - Done it again !!!!!

    Chrissy has done it again . This was everything. Ex ' s always want to pop back up... love Drake & Destiny . Need part 2 in my life asap . Impatiently waiting ☺☺☺

  • Cheryl Prince - Tummy Tuck system does not work!

    Followed program twice a day, tummy tuck crème, belt and 5 min stomach work out, then did 30 minutes of walking daily. Measured at the beginning then again after 30 days, no change in measurement no even 1/4 inch!!!! Just a waste of money!!!!!

  • PSMITH - This product works great!

    I started using this last summer. I noticed within a few weeks that it made a remarkable difference in my roof's appearance. If you have moldy spots on your shingles, it really does work. We had 2 large oak trees that blocked out sunlight and coupled with high mold and humidity caused a buildup of mold on our roof. I have used this product twice and it really has made a huge difference. My roof is about 15 yrs old and it looks much better. I would recommend applying when you have 3-4 days of temps in the 60-70's. You need to apply when there is no wind and preferably when no rain in the forecast for 3-4 days. Let it soak in and allow the elements to rinse off and see the improvement right away.

  • Jim McGee - Bravo Remington!

    I'm refraining from a 5 star review for 2 simple reasons: only when my treatments have been completed and I can assess the long-term results will I be able to definitely give it an extra star or not. And secondly, as other reviews have noted, the IPL cartridge that comes with the I-Light Pro appears to be defective for a significant number of buyers, including me. Mine just died today well well short of the 1500 zaps promised, I intend to contact Remington about this.