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  • ScoutMomof4 - parents beware

    a lot of the songs on here are very Mature in the ratings....a lot of them have perverted jirating movements associated with their dances, or fondling of ones self during dance....not recommended for under 13...just saying

  • Kutrn - Gotta have...can't live without!

    This cloth cleans amazing! It cleans everything amazing from glass, wood, metal, walls, tv and tv tables, mirrors, windows, blinds, leather couches, kitchen counters, tables, cabinets, appliances, bedroom furniture, bathroom countertops, jacuzzi, toilets, and anything else I forgot. Just dampen it and clean (use polishing cloth where needed - one in one hand, the other in the other hand). Rinse it out and clean some more. I'm building up a stock to have an enviro cloth for different sections of the house, but have used one cloth for the whole house (toilets last of course, even though they say the silver will eat the bacteria and doesn't have to be used there last). This cloth dusts, cleans, shines and no chemicals needed. I tried the norwex dusting mitt on my wooden blinds this past weekend and after a couple swipes, decided I wanted my damp enviro cloth instead. The enviro cloth cleaned the blinds as though it caught all the dirt missed from the day I bought them). I decided then that all you really need is the enviro cloth/polishing cloth and the mop to clean your whole house (and the toilet and shower cleaner). For someone who doesn't want to invest a lot of money but wants the norwex experience, just buy 1-2 enviro cloths and polishing cloths (dish soap and detergent to maintain their cleanliness) and the mop! Love the mop! I can clean my whole 2500 square foot ranch in 2 hours and with 2 pugs, feel that my house is truly clean. It feels looks clean...and it lasts a long while staying clean! Next party I'm moving to the facial and body cloths and tooth brush and want to investigate the dog stuff (and a bigger stock of enviro cloths). Go to a party if you can and listen to why just water works with these and all the benefits. I"m actually contemplating getting rid of the house keeper, but am not going to jump too quickly to that decision. And..the prices are the same if not better on the norwex site, so investigate both (especially with the extra shipping outside of norwex and the warranty and growing supply on the norwex site. Enviro cloth is the way to go. I bought the e-cloths right after the party thinking I could use these and get them cheaper, but I'm not as happy with the e-cloths, although they rate high quality compared to what I had prior to Norwex.

  • Miker - Fixes Wind Whistle!

    If you're truck suffers from 'Wind Whistle' while highway driving, it's 1 of 2 problems. The antenna, or, you have a very jolly rodent living in your dashboard.