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City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Honest Joe - Worked great when i used it. I was surprised!!

    Had a leaking head gasket, figured I would try it out after being recommended by a mechanic (friend of a friend). And surprisingly it worked out great. Drove the truck around for over a year until I found something else.

  • Tiffburn - Best investment you can make towards your future

    I'm not taking the GRE until next summer but I wanted to get a good idea for what to expect. I've tried online sites that give you practice tests, but none of them guide you on WHY the answer is the answer. This book is amazing. It teaches you not only tricks for cutting down your time while choosing an answer, but little general tidbits about the exam itself. I love the book so much I bought a second one for a friend who is also testing next year!